My Mind (Uneg-Uneg)

sorry I speak in English, I'm going out my mind. I know he's going to open my blog and I want him to know that I really don't like him। he always wanted to know about me, it makes me uncomfortable he is my ex-boyfriend, he's always bothered me as opened my twitter, opened my facebook, send a message to my friend and asked about me to her. I am very ashamed to my friend, sometimes I think that he did not know shame (sorry I speak like this) I even think he's crazy. he also likes angry unclear and accused me of not correctly! and
he always forbade me this and that, so who's he can forbid me? he was a nobody. I also know he may be telling my bestfriend "Annisa" about this. He didn't know how guilty I was at my mother because it has often lied to, I want to be a good girl and I'm very fond of my mother. aaaaaaaa!! I want to be free!! I want to do everything without you know or like to spy on

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